Reviewing your gift
If you currently give through the PGS and wish to review your giving, you can do so in the following ways:
- Online by setting up an account on this website (see the section below)
- Contacting our team here by email
- Calling us on 0333 002 1260
- Or you can write to us at:
Parish Giving Scheme
76 Kingsholm Road
In all correspondence, please provide your PGS reference number. This number is located under the address on any written correspondence from the PGS team.
Managing your giving online
All existing givers can review and manage their current giving and add new gifts online, even if they originally set up their giving by post or phone.
If you are using this website for the first time, you will need to set up an online account. Go to ‘Sign in’ on the menu, and then select ‘Activate Account’ and you’ll be invited to activate your account by email.
If you wish to use the same email address that you have previously provided to us for correspondence, the website will recognise your email address when you enter it. However, if as a giver you have not yet provided the PGS with an email address, please contact us first so that we can update your records and verify your identity. You can do this by calling us on 0333 002 1260, or by email.
Having set up your online account, you can then log-in securely at any time to update your personal contact information, the value of your current gift, choices about Gift Aid, inflationary increase and anonymity status, or to add a new gift.