The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a simple and secure way for churches to receive regular gifts. It is an established service for managing Direct Debit donations, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. The service is freely available to all parishes, their churches and givers, within dioceses that have chosen to participate.
The only regular giving method to offer givers the option to make an annual inflationary increase, the Parish Giving Scheme is helping the Church to overcome the challenge of static giving.
How to join PGS
Adopted as the giving method of choice by more than 55,000 donors, to 3,100 churches, PGS is empowering all generations to give with confidence and to feel valued, while easing the administrative burden for churches.
PGS has attracted considerable interest from around the Church and has been adopted as the preferred way of planned giving by the National Stewardship Committee. The PGS is a charitable company owned by participating dioceses as a Joint Venture (JV) Company. The JV Company is run by a Trustee Board elected by the members.
More than 70% of dioceses have now signed up to the scheme. It processes annual donations in excess of £55m and claims around £11m each year in Gift Aid on behalf of the churches it supports.
The Parish Giving Scheme is recommended by the National Church and is the preferred way of receiving planned giving at a parish level.
If your Diocese is interested in joining the Scheme, please contact us on 0333 002 1260.