Diocesan PGS Advisors
Diocesan PGS Advisors are there to support your parish as it plans and prepares to launch PGS. For further information, guidance and resources please contact:
Bath & Wells Diocese: Kate Mayo and Natalie Wainwright
Birmingham Diocese: Lucy Pinnock
- Email: Lucy
Blackburn Diocese: Stephanie Rankin
- Email: Stephanie
- Tel: 07717 116483
Bristol Diocese: James Morrey and Tara Nelson
Canterbury Diocese: Finance Team
- Email: Finance Team
- Tel: 01227 459401
Carlisle Diocese: John Thompson
- Email: John
- Tel: 01768 807761
Chelmsford Diocese: Beccy Hills and Michelle Cottis
Chichester Diocese: Sarah Rogers
- Email: Sarah
Coventry Diocese: The Finance Team
- Email: The finance team
Derby Diocese: Steve Johnson
- Email: Steve
- Tel:01332 278151
Durham Diocese: Paul Child
- Email: Paul
- Tel:07501 933838
Ely Diocese: Martin Kenward or Theresa Chivers
Exeter Diocese: Alison Solano, Philip Whitlock or Brigit Kiyaga
- Email: mission.resources@exeter.anglican.org
- Tel: 07889 564103
Gloucester Diocese: Finance Team
- Email: Finance Team
Guildford Diocese: David Senior
- Email: David
Hereford Diocese: Rosa Speyer or Mark Simmons
Leeds Diocese: Janet Edmond or Beth Vickers
Leicester Diocese: Ariel Baker
- Email: Ariel
Lincoln Diocese: Hugo Cobham or Andy Wright
Liverpool Diocese: Lucia Miller
- Email: Lucia
- Tel: 01517 052138
London Diocese:
- Martin Hornbuckle (for Stepney) 020 3837 5018
- Julie Churchyard (for Edmonton) 020 3837 5015
- Dawn Baker (for Kensington) 020 3837 5029
- Jagoda Keshani (for Two Cities) 020 3837 5111
- Catherine Stephens (for Willesden) 020 3837 5050
- Email: Martin or Julie or Dawn or Jagoda or Catherine
Newcastle Diocese: Joanne Christie or Leanne Conway-Wilcox
Norwich Diocese: Robert Culyer, Colin Tomlin, Naomi Rizk
Oxford Diocese: Joshua Townson or Administrator
- Email: Joshua or Administrator
- Tel: 01865 208757
Peterborough Diocese: Paul Adams, Pete Squires or Nuala Salter
Portsmouth Diocese: Chris Parker
- Email: Chris
- Tel: 023 9289 9669
Rochester Diocese: Liz Mullins
- Email: Liz
- Tel: 01634 560000
Salisbury Diocese: Anna Hardy
- Email: Anna
Sheffield Diocese: Libby Culmer or Luke Bunting
Southwark Diocese: Gabby Parikh, Hannah Starkins, Gemma Curran or Eve Reader
Southwell & Nottingham Diocese: Anne Coyne
- Email: Anne
- Tel: 01636 817239
St Albans Diocese: Kate Ford
- Email: Kate
- Tel: 01727 818141
St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocese: Julie Podd
- Email: Julie
- Tel: 07826 556186
Truro Diocese: Jenny Wreford or Christine Salaman
Winchester Diocese: Jordan Shepherd or Georgi Thompson-Leask
Worcester Diocese: Chris Boden or Robyn Rooney
York Diocese: Phil Mcbride
- Email: Phil
- Tel: 07803 747542