Wincanton St Peter w St Paul

Welcome to Wincanton St Peter w St Paul

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At St Peter & St Paul's Church we are currently in a time of interregnum. We pray for our interregnum and vacancy process:

Prayer for the VacancyBeloved God, surround us with your spirit as we work together in this time of vacancy. Holy Spirit, guide those who are seeking the right next step in their ministry and those who are seeking the right priest to be our next vicar. May we all feel your presence, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

If you would like to apply to be our new Priest we would be very happy to welcome you to our parishes in beautiful southeast Somerset! Please visit the Diocese website: where you will find the link to the Advert, Role Description and Parish Profile, or see the Advert in the Church Times. A very warm welcome awaits.

If you require a member of the Ministry URGENTLY, please contact Penny Ashton 07733 162 342.

EMERGENCY! LEAD STRIPPED from our beautiful Church roof in July, requiring immediate and costly repairs. Any financial help will be very gratefully received. To make a donation follow this link: or you can donate via cheque made payable to 'Wincanton PCC' and sent to the Parish Office, 38 High Street, Wincanton BA9 9JF, or contact the Parish Administrator. THANK YOU. Every £1 will help enormously and be very gratefully received. Bless You.

We worship most Sundays in the church, and the building is currently open from 9am-3pm daily. Please come in via the South Door (level access entry) during the week.  We have a comprehensive risk assessment in place - if you visit please adhere to the guidance for your own safety and the safety of others . We ask you to please read the latest 'what to expect document'  before your visit. This is available in the newsletter section of this web page. This information is displayed just inside or outside the church door.

Worship Plans for the Sundays following are as follows:-

On Sunday 5th January there will be a Communion Service at 10:45am led by The Rt Revd Michael Beasley, Bishop of Bath and Wells.

On Sunday 12th January there will be a Communion Service at 10:45am led by Rev Lydia Avery 

On Sunday 19th January there will be a Communion Service at 10:45am led by Rev Lydia Avery

On Sunday 26th January there will be a Communion Service at 10:45am led by Rev Diane Barrett 

We are complying with the Church and Government guidance and with a risk assessment in place - if you visit please adhere to this guidance for your own safety and the safety of others. 

Our Administrator, Rachel Feltham works office hours (9:15am-1:15pm Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and can be contacted on 01963 824503 during that time). 

Rachel Feltham - Parish Administrator 's email:

For more information on St Peter & St Paul's Church visit our website: 

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength… Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these".

We take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Any concerns on these matters should be raised in the first instance with the Safeguarding Officer Nicky King:

We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies. The Diocese of Bath & Wells's safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for The Diocesan Safeguarding Manager, Ben Goodhind: Tel 01749 588917. Out of hours emergency cover is available from 5pm-midnight, 7am-9am (Mon-Fri), 7am to midnight (Sat & Sun) and bank holidays. Call them on 0303 003 111.

If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

If necessary please report the matter to Somerset County Council Social Services, Tel 0300 123 2224. Alternatively if you have concerns about a child or young person you may contact Childline on 0800 1111. If there is immediate risk or danger please contact the police by dialling 999.

Parish name

St Peter & St Paul

Parish code



Bath & Wells Diocese




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