Highfields St Peter

Welcome to Highfields St Peter

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St Peter's Church is an important place of faith in the Highfields area of Leicester. It is the centre of the Church of England presence and worship in the community, particularly for the African Caribbean community, and from the basis of this faith, we welcome and offer hospitality to those of other faiths and none, to other cultures, indeed to the whole Highfields community.

We have a huge challenge ahead of us over the next few years as we seek to repair and renew our beautiful Victorian building and develop new facilities as we continue to demonstrate our faith through worship, hospitality, and service. Building work is underway.

The church community gathers together on Sundays at 11.00am and Tuesdays at 10.00am, and at other times to pray and celebrate.

Parish name

St Peter's Highfields

Parish code



Leicester Diocese


St Peter's Road



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