Edmonton St Alphege

Welcome to Edmonton St Alphege

This Parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme which allows you to give to this Parish securely and safely online. Please click 'Regular Giving' to set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual Direct Debit or ‘One-Off Gift’ to make a single gift using your Debit, Credit Card or Apple/Google Pay wallet.

>> Please note that we still take details of those attending mass, but this is for our own record keeping (not for Covid-19 contact tracing). Sanitiser will continue to be available for cleaning your hands as you enter the church should you wish to do so.

>> Tea, coffee, etc., is served on Sundays after mass in the hospitality zone at the back of church.

>> Communion is offered in both kinds, the Body and the Blood, at mass on Sundays. It is entirely up to each person to decide whether or not they receive the sacred blood from the chalice, and there is no pressure on anyone to do so.

Our online presence through the following continues:

** Every morning some of us are meeting on Zoom to say the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer. It happens at 0715, and if you'd like to join in live, let the PCC Secretary know via the 'Get in touch' page, and she'll put you in touch with Paul Holgate who organises the saying of the Daily Office. 

** A virtual pew sheet, containing the collects, readings, etc for the day will be posted here.

** Fr Stephen has now retired from St Alphege. For all general enquiries please use the 'Get in touch' page, but note the information below and do not use the 'Venue Hire' subject but instead go directly to the Sharesy site.

>> All booking for use of our church hall is now managed by Sharesy. Please visit their website here for information and booking details.

Parish name

St Alphege Edmonton

Parish code



London Diocese


Rossdale Drive/Hertford Road
Lower Edmonton
N9 7LG

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