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A shared ministry of giving
Our mission is to enhance the generosity that enriches the life of the church and its ministry in each community.

Empowering Givers
As a charity whose origins are within the church, we understand that, for every giver, generosity is an act of Christian faith that is deeply personal.
PGS provides simple and secure ways for every generation to give to their church with confidence; online, by phone, or by posting a giving form.

Supporting Churches
By providing simple and secure ways for people to give, churches benefit from improved cash flow and a resilient and reliable funding stream.
Whether raising funds for a particular cause or enhancing the wide-ranging work of each church in its local community, financial security is critical.

Helping Parish Treasurers
By processing gifts and Gift Aid on the church’s behalf, we can ease the admin burden and paperwork for church volunteers.
It is easy for treasurers to view the monthly statement for their church securely online, staying closely informed and hassle-free.
What is the Parish Giving Scheme?
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an established service for managing One-Off and Direct Debit giving, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. It reduces the burden of work on church volunteers and provides a simple and secure service to givers.
The service is freely available to all parishes, their churches and donors, within dioceses that have chosen to participate. Uptake is growing every year, with the majority of dioceses in the Church of England - and many of their parishes - now members of PGS and experiencing the benefits. You can use the search button on this page to discover whether your church is already in the scheme. The PGS makes it possible for givers to:
- Give One-Off amounts by Credit/Debit cards and Apple/Google pay wallets
- Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit
- Sign up to inflation-linked giving annually
- Enhance your gift to your church by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your giving
- Give securely and donate anonymously, if you prefer
In addition to this website you can set up a Direct Debit to give regularly to your church, via gift form – available from your PGS parish representative or via telephone on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9 - 5
PGS Case Studies
Discover how PGS is serving givers and churches in a shared ministry of giving
Read more about what parish clergy and representatives think about using the Parish Giving Scheme.
If you would like to tell us about your experiences of the Scheme, we'd love to hear your feedback.

St John's Egham
In our local area, we’re grateful to have a congregation of around 300 individuals that attend our church regularly, and 120 individual members of the congregation or families (encompassing 185 people) give through PGS. We’re an incredibly vibrant church, with activities going on seven days a week including three services on a Sunday, playgroups and food kitchens. We registered with PGS in 2015 and there was lots of material that helped us launch the scheme in our church. It’s the modern way of giving and it certainly eases the strain on our finance team; it’s easy, safe and effective for our congregation. The finance team led the launch of PGS in our church and we announced it in our Sunday services, which we followed up with a letter to our givers to explain how to set up their accounts and their gifts. Ever since we launched, we’ve had really positive feedback from givers and an uptick in gifts. All of our regular gifts are processed through PGS. Between the ease of giving and the excellent customer service, I’d call it heroic work from the PGS team. We’d be lost without it!
Phil Johnson, Partnership Secretary

Parish of Morpeth
Since we joined in 2017, the Parish Giving Scheme has become vital to our parish’s income stream and cash flow. We started with just two people giving through PGS, but uptake has been steady and continuous to date, and we now receive regular gifts from 79 givers. Continuous gentle campaigning has made an annual increase to the Planned Giving budget feasible, and to date, it has always been exceeded. The PGS has had the greatest effect on cash flow, as Gift Aid is recovered monthly instead of twice a year. The administrative load on myself and the Gift Aid secretary has been reduced by half, which has helped enormously, and the treasurer finds the monthly reporting invaluable. ‘If I was to offer one piece of advice to a church that is new to PGS, it would be to sign up now – you won’t regret it!’
Dave Pope, Planned Giving Co-Ordinator